Tuesday, 17 August 2010

E is for Eldritch

Eldritch portrait

Eldritch is now four and a bit years old. Like all English dragons his official birthday is Midsummer's Day, June 21.
He shares that with his little brother Bamburgh and they are the same official age even though Bamburgh arrived a few months after Eldritch did.

My first sight of Eldritch was unusual to say the least. He was elbows-up in a pile of plush animals at a local garden emporium so all I saw was his bottom, a red tail with a golden tip and the edges of a pair of gold wings. Of course I had to pick him up and take a closer look and once I did I was enamoured!

So he came home to live with me and his Unclclcecle Kevin and cousin Moo and the rest, as they say, is history.

According to the Penguin English Dictionary the word eldritch is Scottish and means weird or uncanny. He is naturally a magic creature and so I think it suits him exactly.

Normally he is a cute, kind and lovely dragon but beware - do not excite him or make him cross. For you are crunchy and taste good with mustard!


  1. Lovely photos of a lovely dragon - and I never knew he liked mustard!!

  2. Well, if you DIDN'T use Eldritch, he might have turned on you. Better to be safe...
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. cute dragon craft...
    very beautiful thoughts about liking mustard.

  4. Glad to meet Eldritch and find out what he likes.

  5. Still giggling. He's adorable and I'm glad he got his day today!

  6. He's too cute to eat anyone, with or without mustard!

  7. Does he breathe fire to make sure the crackling is crispy?! LOL I like dragons, too...

  8. Your magical post made me giggle! Love the last quote.

  9. Perfect day to give your tribute to Eldritch.

    Clever post, but then you are clever.

    Thank you for the nice compliment on my engagement picture.... No I was not three when I married. I will be 70 next May 1st.

  10. I'll not rile him - nor encourage his taste for crunchy humanoids dipped in mustard.

  11. That's so sweet. On behalf of the ABC Team, thanks for participating.
